1.to be required to be reset an hour later, to British Summer Time from Greenwich Mean Time
1.It is up to you and only you to undo the locks and allow yourselves to go forward.
2.Obviously, courage is the willingness to go forward in the face of uncertainty, which does not mean the lack of fear but the control of it.
3.Seems to have be eliminated by social feeling helpless, but there is a intention of dawn is coming led me to continue to go forward.
4.Mr. Lin yanked up his head to find her confronting him. He wanted to escape, but there was no time. He could only go forward and greet her.
5.A view expressed in London earlier was that Mr. Roosevelt would have preferred the work to go forward.
6.If he left, there was a real chance Arafat would not go forward.
7.You are usually the one who likes to lead, but sometimes a bit of balance is needed for a relationship to go forward.
8.Mother Earth must be allowed to proceed with her Ascension, and that is of course vital if you are to go forward with her.
9.His mother said: Child, all you must do is always go forward, never look back, and happiness will always be with you.
10.The path we've been on is blocked; we need to take a few steps backward to be able to go forward again.